ZOOMerFEST: Young Algebraic Geometers


All times are in Central European timezone (Paris).

July 11
12:00-12:15 About Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry
12:15-13:45 Annalisa Grossi
Automorphisms of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds of OG6 type
14:00-15:30 Camilla Felisetti
Higgs bundles on genus 2 curves
15:45-17:15 Mirko Mauri
P=W conjectures for character varieties with symplectic resolution
17:30-19:00 Calum Spicer
Minimal models of foliations and transversely projective structures
July 12
14:00-15:30 Gijs Heuts
Spectral Lie algebras and their applications
15:45-17:15 Maciej Zdanowicz
Geometry of weakly ordinary varieties with trivial canonical class
17:30-19:00Raju Krishnamoorthy
Rank 2 local systems and abelian varieties


Annalisa Grossi, Automorphisms of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds of OG6 type.

Camilla Felisetti, Higgs bundles on genus 2 curves

Gijs Heuts, Spectral Lie algebras and their applications

Mirko Mauri, P=W conjectures for character varieties with symplectic resolution
Notes for the talk

Raju Krishnamoorthy, Rank 2 local systems and abelian varieties

Calum Spicer, Minimal models of foliations and transversely projective structures

Maciej Zdanowicz, Geometry of weakly ordinary varieties with trivial canonical class
