Workshop on rationally connected varieties

May 18-22, 2015
Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry

Organised by
Jason Starr (SUNY Stony Brook)
Misha Verbitsky (HSE, Moscow)

Speakers: Information: [ Venue | advice for visitors | program | schedule | hyperkähler Saturday ]

The purpose of this workshop is to study rationally connected varieties and their families. Notions of rational connected varieties and the rational quotient map play central role in modern algebraic and complex geometry. Rational connectedness and its delicate relationship with other Fano-type birational properties remains one of the most mysterious and fruitful subjects of birational geometry. We aim to understand the results of the paper "Families of rationally connected varieties" by Graber, Harris and Starr (2002); more recent applications of the same principle would be also discussed.

Partially supported by Dynastia foundation.

List of participants.

Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications