The conference is dedicated to Boris Feigin, who will turn sixty in November 2013. The aim of the conference is to discuss recent achievments in representation theory related to

and other classical and modern questions.

International Scientific Committee

Vladimir Dotsenko (Dublin),
Pavel Etingof (Boston),
Giovanni Felder (Zurich),
Tetsuji Miwa (Kyoto)

Local Organizers

Sergey Loktev (HSE, IUM),
Leonid Rybinikov (HSE, IUM)

Sponsoring institutions
HSE logo
Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications, Higher School of Economics
IUM logo
Independent University of Moscow
Poncelet Lab logo
J.-V. Poncelet French-Russian Mathematics Laboratory
MIAN logo
Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Science
NSF logo
National Science Foundation
Clay logo
Clay Mathematical Institute